Hayduke Update 2019

HaydukeUpdate2Quietly over this past year I’ve been publishing more pages of content to my Hayduke Reference section to assist “Haydukers” looking to hike that long-distance route. But… since this is all “background” content and not published as official posts, I realized that it might go unseen by many who follow my site. Much of this content might be useful to non-Hayduke backpackers looking to set out for an extended weekend in a remote location or even just those looking to take a unique day hike. So… here’s a post showcasing all the new pages from the last several months šŸ™‚

Browse the new content below, or check out the newly updated Interactive Map which has clickable trail segments and points of interest. As always, my full reference is easily found at www.AcrossUtah.com/Hayduke.

Thanks for following along and… Enjoy!

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