Video: Buckskin Gulch and the Lower Paria

The second in my series of “shorter” hikes from Spring 2019. Here’s the video trip report for my 4-day trip down the Lower Paria with a side excursion up the Buckskin Gulch:

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  1. Sonja A Heuscher

    What was the flow rate of the Paria when you did the upper section? Can look this up by the start date of the hike. What day did you start your hike?

    • I’m not sure — but it had to be considered fairly low as it was a dry year and no recent storms. It’s likely very different this year!

  2. Anything you can tell us for some first timers down lower paria

    • Hmm… any specific questions after watching the video? My only general advice would be to know that the first time I did the hike it was harder than I anticipated. All the walking through water/mud definitely takes its toll. But… I actually just did it all again a few weeks ago and loved it, so I think if you know what to expect it softens the blow somewhat. Good luck! (I’m headed out again soon so I might not be online to respond.)

  3. What shoes did you use and how did the water affect them ?

    • For hikes frequently in/out of water like this I normally just wear my boots but with neoprene socks. On this trip though I just wore regular socks and it was OK (but that can lead to blisters for longer trips.) Wetting/drying like this is pretty hard on boots though. But, I’m pretty hard on boots in general and thus need to replace them about every year.

  4. Great video!! I have hiked the Lower Paria Canyon twice, once from White House, as you did and once from Wire Pass through Buckskin Gulch. Comparing with all the hikes and backpacks all over the world that I’ve done in the last 30 years, I can only say: This canyon hike is absolutely world class. There is nothing better!

  5. Loved the video; I made the hike from White House to Wrather canyon a number of times. Age and a bad back will probably prevent me from going again so I get to enjoy these places second hand now.

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