Happy 2024 and other News!

Happy New Year, Everybody!  ✌

(is it OK for me to still say that at the end of January?!)

The last several months have been somewhat chaotic for me and thus I haven’t been able to do many of the updates here that I’d hoped to do. I actually caught COVID for the first time, injured my knee, had several random technology issues to address, and, on a more fun note, hosted some friends over the holidays. But… things seem to be getting back on track now, so here’s what’s going on:

  • Extended Series

The extended videos for my Grand Escalante Loop Hike are STILL coming! Videos always tend to take longer than I expect, but in this case I just wasn’t able to get back to series in Nov/Dec like I’d planned. It shouldn’t be too much longer now. For those of you who enjoy the minutiae of my longer videos, I appreciate your patience and hope that you find the series worth the wait.

  • Eclipse Video

I did however publish a video for my October trip to Death Hollow to see the Annular Eclipse with a few of my friends. I recently made a separate post about this.

  • YouTube Memberships

Also on YouTube, I launched a “Members” program. As I’ve noted here and elsewhere before I’m not a big fan of paywalls and really don’t do any of this for the $$$. However, in this case YouTube actually offered me an incentive to initiate the program and I took it. So, for $1/month one can become a Channel Member to show support and get some minor exclusive content. As I stated there though, my main hike videos will always be 100% public/free. Click the “Join” button on any of my videos to learn more.

  • Map Craziness

Last month all the maps on my site went offline for an unknown reason. After some sleuthing I realized that it was possibly due to an update to the Google Maps API paired with a malware infection. Whatever it was, it definitely wreaked havoc on my maps implementation. I was able to get a temp solution in place to get much of the content back online and then later added more fixes to get it all back to normal. I think that’s the case anyway — please let me know if you notice any ongoing problems.

  • Comments/Email

I’ve also been having some problems with comments here on the site and associated email. I actually try to reply to ALL comments/msgs I get via this site (and social platforms), so please let me know if you haven’t heard back from me. I am getting more and more requests so I might not always be able to help directly, but at the very least I try to respond and point people in the right direction for more info.

  • 2024 Plans

And finally… the fun stuff! Though I don’t have my spring itinerary locked in, I do plan to once again head out for an extended period. First up — I’m going to Texas to see the Total Eclipse in April. I hope to visit some fun stuff in the area as well as some more parks/sites along the way there and back.  After that I intend to do some short hikes in and around southern Utah. This will include another trip to Angels Landing as I scored a permit via the newly-introduced lottery. I’ve never actually made a video of the hike up — so I might this time out. You know… “World’s Scariest Hike!!!” or something like that to get the views. 😉 Then… in May I hope to do another big hike across Utah. The details are still TBD and will be contingent on my knee/health, but I’ve got some fun ideas that I hope to make a reality. Until then… thanks for following along! ✌


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  1. Awesome! Enjoy that hike if you win that lottery! I have tried numerous times to win the wave lottery with no luck but with your videos I have learned some just as good places to go! Hope the weather holds for this upcoming eclipse. I wont get out west for this one but will be going up into Ohio from Virginia to watch it. Looking forward to watching more of your great videos!

  2. Hi – I am considering this 3 day backpack, based largely on things gleaned from your site; could you let me know if this looks ok, vs. too much, for 3 days/2 nights. Thanks!

    • It’s always somewhat difficult for me to predict what others will like or how far is possible per day, but… that is a really good route with a lot to see and I’d think most experienced hikers should be able to do that in three days even with several side explorations along the way. Speaking of such — definitely take part of a day to go up into Death Hollow. Personally I like walking DOWN the Escalante more, but that upper section isn’t that bad so it shouldn’t matter too much if that’s they way you wanna go. Big Horn Canyon has a few drops/scrambles which could give some people trouble (along with the side hike to Phipps Arch.) Good luck! ✌

  3. Hope you are past your health/knee problems. Looking forward to your next videos!

    (also, just a note, but the blog comments don’t seem to work just with your email address in Edge. . . I had to swap to Firefox to leave this comment. It seemed that I could have used Facebook, but I would rather never use Facebook! 🙂

    • (Just adding, I’m not expecting a change because of Edge (or Facebook!) I just thought you might like to know)

    • Thanks! Sorry to hear that about Edge. I use a plug-in to handle the comments here, so unfortunately I don’t really have any direct control over that. It probably needs updated along with some other features on the site, but… that’ll have to wait until after hiking season is over. ✌

  4. You sure have some fun activities planned for the year ahead. (I noticed how you worked the eclipse into the number 2024. LOL, very clever).

  5. The landscape in the back part of Utah is amazing!! I would love to see it myself, however, that will never happen, so this is the next best opportunity for me. Thanks, Jamie!!