I recently published two new videos from my autumn trip to Capitol Reef. This was a good six-day trip through the park hiking both popular trails and some off-trail routes. I began heading up Sulphur Creek and passing Chimney Rock to connect to Spring Canyon. From there I climbed out of the canyon to the north to re-visit some arches from my 2022 trip (Zion to Green River). I’d hoped to do a longer loop to the upper branches of Spring Canyon, but instead more or less backtracked to the same entry/exit point and then hiked down the length of the canyon. From there I connected with the Cohab Canyon trail to complete the loop. Highlights of the trip were hiking a day with Jarl (aka Norwegian Xplorer), seeing some great arches, encounters with an owl and a bighorn, and more. Check out all the details in the videos:
Click either thumbnail to open on YouTube: