Spring Update

Totality in Texas

Well… my spring didn’t quite shape up like I’d hoped. After having only gone to a doctor twice in the last 30+ years, I’ve had nine visits this year already! It was eventually determined that my knee has a severely torn meniscus and I should undergo arthroscopic surgery. That caused me to skip my Angel’s Landing hike in mid-April as well as abort plans for a big hike in May. Now I’m actually hoping to do a big hike this fall, but TBD based on how things go with the knee.

I did however manage a great southwest trip to see the eclipse in Texas. I had a friend join me for part of the journey and met up with others in Texas. All in all I ended up driving over 2000 miles and visited six national parks along the way there and back. Check out the gallery below.

The other good news is that I’m finally releasing the extended series from last year’s Grand Escalante Loop Hike. Look for a separate post about that with more info and a link to the initial episode.

That’s the news for now — I’ll post more as things shape up. ✌

White Sands


Texas Trip Gallery:

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